Version 1.2.2

Version 1.2.2#

New features#

  • Introduction of a class for galactic objects (beamed and unbeamed) .This class is useful for PWN, SNR, or jetted galactic objects. It is still preliminary, and will be improved soon See this section of the user guide Galactic object models

  • quantile confidence range for MCMC plots: the MCMC plot method now accepts quantities for model confidence band eg:

    mcmc.plot_model(sed_data=sed_data,fit_range=[1E11, 2E27],size=100,quantiles=[0.05,0.95])

bug fixing#

  • hadronic pp: the grid for the equilibrium evolution was not starting from gmin=1, but from the lowest energy of the secondary

  • temporal evolution: in the light curves with crossing time, the (1+z) factor term was missing in the times column