Model Fitting Introduction#

In this section we provide some guidelines and caveats for mode fitting and minimizers in JetSeT. In general to perform a model fitting to data,

you can use the ModelMinimizer class from the minimizer module, or you can use specific plugins as for the case of sherpa and gammapy, documented here:

In the following we will describe the frequentist model fitting using the ModelMinimizer using the minuit minimizer (wrapping the iminuit package ) and the lsb minimizer (wrapping the scipy least_squares package), and the Bayesian approach using the McmcSampler interface to ecee emcee package.

Data handling#

Before starting with the description of the model fitting implementation in JeSeT, please read Handling errors and systematics section in the Data format and SED data.

Frequentist model fitting#

FitModel creation#

The first step consists in creating a fit FitModel object. Assuming you have already a Jet, in this example is the object prefit_jet (either constrained from data, see Phenomenological model constraining: application and the examples in model fitting examples, or any instance of the Jet class)

from jetset.model_manager import  FitModel
fit_model_lsb=FitModel( jet=prefit_jet, name='SSC-best-fit-lsb',template=None)


Starting from JetSeT version>=1.1.2 the implementation of the composite model FitModel for setting parameters requires to specify the model component. and this holds also for the freeze method and for setting fit_range intervals, and for the methods relate to parameters setting in general. FitModel

Before proceeding with the minimization, it is important to freeze or free the needed parameters, and provide fit boundaries. As default, boundaries will be set to the physical boundaries of the parameters, but, depending on your particular source and state, you want to provide tighter boundaries eg:




Setting fit_range can speed up and improve the fit convergence and is advised. Anyhow, the ranges should be used judged by the user each time according to the physics of the particular source. Please, have look at the examples in model fitting examples to have a broader view of this topic.

A good strategy is to run first a lsb fit and then, using the same fit_model, run a fit with minuit. Using minuit we notice that sometimes the fit will converge, but the quality will not be enough (valid==false) to run minos. Anyhow, as shown in the MCMC sampling, it still possible to estimate asymmetric errors by means of MCMC sampling.

ModelMinimizer creation#

The second step consists in the creation of a ModelMinimizer object

  • for lsb (wrapping: scipy.optimize.least_squares)

    from jetset.minimizer import ModelMinimizer
  • for minuit:

    from jetset.minimizer import ModelMinimizer


    For minuit, starting from JetSeT version==1.3.0, simplex will be run before migrad, this allows a better sampling of the parameter space. You can skip simplex as follows:


both for the case of lsb and minuit specific kw for the minimizer can be accessed by the dictionary:


eg: for the case of lsb that dictionary would be:

{'xtol': None,
 'ftol': 1e-08,
 'gtol': 1e-08,
 'jac': '3-point',
 'loss': 'linear',
 'tr_solver': None,
 'f_scale': 1}


avoid to change those parameters, unless you are completely aware of what you are doing, and you had a full reading the of the lsb / minuit documentation.

Running the minimization process#

The third step will consist in actually calling the minimization process,

notice that:

  • sed_data is your ObsData object (see Data format and SED data section from more info)

  • nu_fit_start and nu_fit_stop correspond to the range of the data, in Hz, used for the model fitting

  • use_UL if set to True will take into account also the upper limits, and will skip them in use_UL=False

  • repeat, introduced in version 1.1.2, allows to repeat the fit process, and will provide a better fit convergence. For example, setting repeat=3 the fit process will be repeated 3 times.

See the examples in model fitting examples to inspect the output for each minimizer. The plot for the covariance matrix can be obtained


Bayesian model fitting with emcee#

Building the mcmc object#

The McmcSampler interface to emcee emcee package, in the following we show how to perform a sampling of the model parameter space, starting from a frequentist best fit result.

it could either a:

  • previously saved instance of a model minimizer

    from jetset.mcmc import McmcSampler
    model_minimizer = ModelMinimizer.load_model('model_minimizer_minuit.pkl')
  • or any model minimizer instance created in your notebook/script. We create the mcmc object

    from jetset.mcmc import McmcSampler

Setting the labels#

Now we need to set the parameters to perform the sample:

  • we can use the same free parameters used in the frequentist minimizer object

  • or define a different sample (or a subsample), defining a dictionary where each key correspond to the name of the model component, and the value of the key to the list of parameters name for that component. For example, assuming that the FitModel member of the ModelMinimizer object has the jet_leptonic component


    in this case the sampler will use only the ['N','B','beam_obj','s','gamma0_log_parab'] par from model_minimizer.fit_model.jet_leptonic component

Setting the priors#

Now we need to set the priors. For the current release we are using flat priors centered on the best fit values.

We provide three different approaches

  • Relative bounds:


    setting bound=5.0 and bound_rel=True means that:

    • the prior interval will be defined as [best_fit_val - delta_m , best_fit_val + delta_p]

    • with delta_p=delta_m=best_fit_val*bound

    It is possible to define asymmetric boundaries e.g. bound=[2.0,5.0] meaning that:

    • delta_p = min(par.best_fit_val*bound[1], par.fit_range_max)

    • delta_m = max(par.best_fit_val*bound[0], par.fit_range_min)

  • Absolute bounds:


    setting bound=5.0 and bound_rel=False means that:

    • the prior interval will be defined as [best_fit_val - delta_m , best_fit_val + delta_p]

    • with delta_p = delta_m = best_fit_err*bound

    It is possible to define asymmetric boundaries e.g. bound=[2.0,5.0] meaning that:

    • delta_p = par.best_fit_err*bound[1]

    • delta_m = par.best_fit_err*bound[0]

Running the sampler#

mcmc.run_sampler(nwalkers=20, burnin=50,steps=500,progress='notebook')

The number of walkers nwalkers, if not specified, is set to \(4 \times\) (number of sampled parameters), if you pass a lower number, a RuntimeError will be raised. Anyhow, nwalkers, burnin and steps, should be chosen depending on the particular analysis, and is strongly advised to read the emcee documentation.

Please, read the MCMC section of examples in model fitting examples for a showcase of the usage and features of the McmcSampler.