

Starting from version 1.1.0, python 2 is not supported anymore. Python >=3.9,<=3.11 is suggested. Pip and anaconda binaries for apple M processors are distributed only for python version == 3.11

Windows prerequisites#

Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux:

Install JetSeT from Anaconda#


anaconda binaries for apple M processors are distributed only for python version == 3.11

to get anaconda:

or you can use mamba:

if you use mamba replace conda with mamba in the following

  • create a virtual environment (not necessary, but suggested):

    conda create --name jetset python=3.10 ipython jupyter
    conda activate jetset
  • install the code

    conda install -c andreatramacere -c astropy -c conda-forge 'jetset>=1.3'
  • run the test (optional)

    pytest --disable-warnings  --pyargs  -vvv jetset.tests.test_users::TestUser

Install JetSeT from pip#


pip binaries for apple M processors are distributed only for python version == 3.11

  • create a virtual environment (not necessary, but suggested):

    pip install virtualenv
    virtualenv -p python3.10 jetset
    source jetset/bin/activate
    pip install ipython jupyter
  • MacOS

    pip install jetset>=1.3
  • Linux

    pip install jetset>=1.3

    if fails, use one of the following methods

    • Use anaconda


    • Install from source

  • run the test (optional)

    pytest --disable-warnings  --pyargs  -vvv jetset.tests.test_users::TestUser

Install binaries from GitHub#

To use the git release binaries, follow the instructions here: Install GitHub releases

Install the JetSeT from source#

As for the other cases, I suggest creating a specific virtual environment

Download the code#

To install from source a C compiler is also necessary, plus the SWIG wrapper generator.

  • Get the source code from: andreatramacere/jetset

  • Uncompress the archive: jetset-stable.tar.gz

  • cd to the dir source code dir

    cd jetset-stable

Installation from source using Anaconda#

  • Install requirements, run on the command line:

    conda install -c astropy -c conda-forge --file requirements.txt


if anaconda fails to install swig, you can try one of the following alternative Swig installation

  • run on the command line

    pip install .
  • run the test (optional, run all the examples outside the installation directory)

    cd ~/
    mkdir test_jetset
    cd test_jetset
    pytest --disable-warnings  --pyargs  -vvv jetset.tests.test_users::TestUser

Installation from source using PIP#

  • Install requirements, run on the command line:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


if pip fails to install swig, you can try one of the following alternative Swig installation

  • Install JetSeT: run on the command line:

    pip install .
  • run the test (optional, run all the examples outside the installation directory)

    cd ~/
    mkdir test_jetset
    cd test_jetset
    pytest  --pyargs  -vvv jetset.tests.test_users::TestUser