Source code for jetset.output

__author__ = "Andrea Tramacere"

import os
import shutil

__author__ = "Andrea Tramacere"

__all__=['clean_dir','makedir','section_separator', 'WorkPlace']

[docs] def clean_dir(dir_name): print ("cleaning dir",dir_name) shutil.rmtree(dir_name) os.mkdir(dir_name)
[docs] def makedir(out_dir,clean_work_dir=True): """ creates a directory """ if os.path.isdir(out_dir): Warning ("directory %s already existing"%(out_dir)) if clean_work_dir==True: Warning ('removing existing dir') try: shutil.rmtree(out_dir) except OSError: Warning ('the directory %s could not be deleted' % (out_dir)) try: os.mkdir(out_dir) except OSError: Warning ('the directory %s could not be created' % (out_dir)) else: if os.path.isfile(out_dir): Warning ("a file with the same name of dir=%s, exists"%out_dir) Warning ("select a different name") else: try: os.mkdir(out_dir) except OSError: Warning ('the directory %s could not be created' % (out_dir))
[docs] class WorkPlace(object): """ Class to set the working place using static members (class members) Variables :ivar out_dir: directory name (default=./) :ivar flag: flag name (default=sed-fit-tests) """ def __init__(self,out_dir='./jet_wd',flag='sed-fit-tests',clean=False): self.out_dir=out_dir self.flag=flag makedir(out_dir,clean_work_dir=clean)
section_separator = "="*80 + "\n"